Monday, September 8, 2008

Overwhelming Demand for CIMB Islamic DALI Equity and Money Market Funds2 Sep 2008

2 september 2008

Kuala Lumpur: Overwhelming demand for the CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Theme Fund and CIMB Islamic Money Market Fund has resulted in both funds increasing their fund sizes to 2 billion units and 150 million units respectively.
This represents the third increase for the DALI Equity Theme Fund and the first increase for the Money Market Fund. The funds are managed by CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd and were launched earlier this year.
Datuk Noripah Kamso, Chief Executive of CIMB-Principal Islamic said: "We are pleased to inform investors that additional units are now available for those who missed out on subscribing earlier. The encouraging response is proof that investors recognise the investment opportunities the Funds have to offer. I would like to thank our distributors for their support in making these Funds such huge successes."
The DALI Equity Theme Fund is a Shariah-compliant fund that invests in Malaysian companies that will benefit from prevailing global and domestic investment themes, allowing investors to build a domestic portfolio as part of their core asset allocation strategy.
The Fund invests in sustainable sectors that potentially give long-term, enhanced returns. These include the oil and gas sector, which is driven by global energy demand, the plantations sector, which enjoys escalating crude palm oil prices, and the construction sector.
The Fund invests up to 98% of its net asset value in Shariah-compliant equities listed on Bursa Malaysia. Meanwhile, the Money Market Fund invests in short-term Islamic money market instruments maturing in less than a year. As a tax-efficient alternative to traditional bank deposits, the fund seeks to provide potentially higher returns and allows investors to withdraw their cash anytime without penalty. The Islamic money market instruments include Islamic accepted bills, Islamic negotiable instruments of deposit, Islamic repurchase agreements (Repo-I) as well as other Islamic fixed income instruments and placements of Islamic deposits with licensed financial institutions.
Datuk Noripah added, "The DALI Equity Theme Fund optimises Malaysia's resilience in the face of uncertainty in global markets and is suitable for investors willing to accept above-average to high-risk in their investments. The Money Market Fund is suited for those who wish to "˜park' their money temporarily whilst waiting for the next investment opportunity. This Fund also aims to provide stability by giving investors a potential steady stream of monthly income. "
KL & Selangor.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Harga Hari Ini... update

CIMB Islamic Fund

DALI - RM0.8738

DALI 2 - RM1.5393

DALI 3 - RM0.2233

CIGEF - RM0.4930

Jemputlah saudara-mara dan rakan-rakan untuk melabur sekarang..

KL & Selangor.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Kita sering mendengar orang berkata ''tetapkan matlamat'' sebelum usahakan sesuatu.
Ada matlamat jangka pendek, matlamat jangka panjang . Kenapa perlu tetapkan matlamat? fikirkan...

M - masa
A - akan
T - tiba
L - lantaran
A - anda
M - mahu/mula
A - atau
T - tidak
Jadi, nampak kan? matlamat dikaitkan dengan masa...
'Masa' itu pasti akan tiba walaupun kita tak mahu, 'masa' juga akan berlalu
alangkah ruginya kita tidak mendapat apa-apa hasil ketika 'masa' itu tiba..
Strategi pelaburan tak perlu 'timing' tetapi perlu 'time in'...
Jadi, rancanglah dengan teliti, tetapkan objektif dan matlamat anda,
mulakan pelaburan sekarang juga!

Hubungi saya di talian 019-679 8639 - syamsul untuk pengisian M.A.T.L.A.M.A.T anda.



Pujangga Mengatakan:

Si Perancang Masa Depan:
Jadikan dirimu bagai pohon yang rendang di mana insan dapat berteduh.
Jangan seperti pohon kering tempat sang pungguk melepas rindu dan
hanya layak dibuat kayu api.
Esok pasti ada tetapi esok belum pasti untuk kita.
Beringat-ingatlah untuk menghadapi esok yang pastikan mendatang.
Rahsia kejayaan hidup adalah persediaan manusia untuk menyambut kesempatan yang menjelma.”
Si Pencari Haluan:
Setiap mata yang tertutup belum bererti ia tidur.
Setiap mata terbuka belum bererti ia melihat.
Kita selalu lupa atau jarang ingat apa yang kita miliki,
tetapi kita sering kali ingat apa yang orang lain ada.
Hiduplah seperti lilin menerangi orang lain,
janganlah hidup seperti duri : mencucuk diri dan menyakiti orang lain.
Si Pejuang:
Kekuatan tidak datang dari kemampuan fizikal,
tetapi ianya datang dari semangat yang tidak pernah mengalah
Kecemerlangan adalah hasil daripada sikap
yang ingin sentiasa melakukan yang terbaik.
Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit
dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautan.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Tentu ramai yang tak jelas dan nak tahu perbandingan..

Jadi mari bandingkan jenis pelaburan, kebaikan dan keburukannya


Jenis Pelaburan: Simpanan Biasa (1% - 2% pulangan)
Penerangan: Kumpulan wang yg berikan kadar faedah yg kecil secara tahunan atau bulanan
Mudah diambil (kecairan tinggi),
Hampir tiada risiko.
Keburukan: Pulangan tak dapat saingi inflasi (inflasi semasa +-5%),
Kuasa membeli akan gagalkan wawasan simpanan,
simpanan cepat susut kerana kecairan tinggi.
Jenis Pelaburan: Simpanan Tetap (Fixed Deposit) (3% - 4% pulangan)
Pulangan yg menjamin pulangan tetap pada tempoh tertentu (tempoh matang)
Pulangan terjamin,
Hampir tiada risiko.
Pulangan tak dapat saingi inflasi,
Tiada pulangan jika dikeluarkan sebelum tempoh matang,
Tak sesuai untuk penambahan simpanan (top-up).
Jenis Pelaburan: Pasaran Saham (1% - 300%)
Penerangan: Pelaburan dalam saham-saham syarikat di bursa saham
Pulangan yang tinggi dan lumayan dalam jangka masa pendek
Risiko sangat tinggi,
Pelabur berisiko berakhir dengan hutang,
Perlu pengetahuan teknikal serta masa yang betul,
Bayaran remisier yang tinggi dsb
Jenis Pelaburan: Waran, Debentur dan yg sewaktu dengannya
Pelaburan melibatkan sejenis pinjaman terjamin yg mempunyai aset syariukat sebagai cagaran
Risiko lebih rendah berbanding saham,
Prestasi meningkat selaras dgn prestasi syarikat.
Tidak mudah cair,
tidak mudah diniagakan dalam pasaran saham,
Faedah yg tetap,
Perlu ditunaikan ketika matang tak kira untung atau rugi.
Jenis Pelaburan: Hartanah (10% ke atas)
pelaburan dalam hartanah spt rumah, tanah, kondomium, projek perumahan, konsep beli pada harga mentah atau murah kemudian jual bila harga tinggi
Rumah adalah keperluan asas dan tanah adalah aset tetap,
Ada 2 jenis pulangan iautu sewa dan jual terus.
Perlu modal mula yang tinggi,
Harga sukar pulih jika pasaran merudum dan lokasi kurang sesuai.
Kecairan rendah (mungkin ambil masa hingga bertahun-tahun) bagi selesaikan 1 urus niaga. Tidak mudah alih.
Jenis Pelaburan: Amanah Saham (Unit Trust) (10% ke atas)
Penerangan: Pelaburan yang mengumpul modal daripada pelabur individu dan korporat dengan kepakaran pasukan pengurus dana (cth; CIMB wealth advisors, Public Mutual) dan dengan pemantauan pemegang amanah (trustee)
Risiko diagihkan (diversify) supaya terkawal,
Kecairan tinggi,
Diuruskan oleh professional,
Modal permulaan yang rendah.
Tertakluk kepada risiko yang telah dibincangkan dalam post yang lepas.
Jadi yang mana satu anda pilih?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Kemelut politik tidak jejaskan potensi Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur 25 Jun, - Ketidaktentuan dalam senario politik tempatan dilihat tidak akan menjejaskan potensi Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelaburan dalam pasaran Negara-negara baru muncul.
Pengarah Eksekutif Principal Global Investor, Tim Dunbar mendakwa, di dalam dunia pelaburan, aspek keuntungan merupakan faktor paling penting yang mendahului perkara-perkara lain.
Beliau berkata, politik bukan risiko utama dalam pelaburan kerana secara teorinya pelaburan itu sendiri memang suatu aktiviti mencari keuntungan yang berisiko.
“Meskipun Malaysia tidak pernah mengalami dalam perubahan politik sepertimana hari ini tetapi situasi politik negara secara umumnya masih baik...
“Sebab itu, saya berpendapat iklim pelaburan di Malaysia masih efisien dan berpotensi,” katanya di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam taklimat media mengenai peluang-peluang pelaburan dalam pasaran baru muncul global.
Dalam taklimat itu, Dunbar berkata, negara-negara baru muncul merupakan pasaran baru yang cukup berpotensi untuk diterokai oleh para pelabur. Sambil enggan menamakan Negara yang memiliki pelaburan terbaik, beliau berkata, negara-negara baru muncul akan menjadi pasaran yang begitu menguntungkan dalam tempoh tiga hingga empat tahun lagi.
Di antara faktor yang menjadikan pasaran ini sebagai lokasi pelaburan strategik adalah pengeluaran komoditi yang kukuh harganya, pertumbuhan dalam rizab pertukaran wang asing, struktur inflasi yang rendah dan tidak terjejas dengan krisis subprima Amerika Syarikat, kata beliau.
Katanya, Negara-negara baru muncul itu juga mempunyai imbangan akaun sebanyak satu perempat daripada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar dunia.


- Local
1. CIMB-Principal Equity Aggressive Fund 1
(formerly known as SBB Strategic Equity Fund)
2.CIMB-Principal Equity Aggressive Fund 2
(formerly known as SBB Sector Rotation Fund)
3.CIMB-Principal Equity Fund
(formerly known as SBB Premium Capital Fund)
4.CIMB-Principal Equity Fund 2
(formerly known as SBB High Growth Fund)
5.CIMB-Principal Equity Fund 3
(formerly known as SBB Value Fund)
6.CIMB-Principal Equity Fund 4
(formerly known as SBB HGF Sequel Fund)
7.CIMB-Principal Equity Income Fund
(formerly known as SBB Equity Income Fund)
8.CIMB-Principal KLCI-Linked Fund
(formerly known as SBB Index-Linked Fund)
9.CIMB-Principal KLCI-Linked Fund 2
(formerly known as SBB Composite Index Fund)
10.CIMB-Principal Small Cap Fund 2
(formerly known as SBB Emerging
Companies Growth Fund).
11.CIMB-Principal Asian Equity Fund
(formerly known as SBB Asian Equity Fund)
12.CIMB-Principal Global Growth Fund
(formerly known as SBB Global Growth Fund)
13.CIMB-Principal Equity Growth Fund
(formerly known as SBB Crystal Equity Fund)
14.CIMB-Principal Equity Growth & Income Fund
(formerly known as SBB Double Growth Fund)..
Fixed Income
15.CIMB-Principal Bond Fund 2
(formerly known as SBB Bond Fund)
16.CIMB-Principal Returns Guaranteed Fund Series 1
(formerly known as SBB Returns Guaranteed Fund).
Money Market
17.CIMB-Principal Money Market Fund
(formerly known as SBB Money Market Fund)..
Mixed Asset
18.CIMB-Principal Balanced Income Fund
(formerly known as SBB Savings Fund)
19.CIMB-Principal Global Balanced Fund
(formerly known as SBB Global Balanced Fund)
20.CIMB-Principal Balanced Growth Fund
(formerly known as SBB Retirement Balanced Fund)


- Local
CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Growth Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Ihsan)
CIMB Islamic Enhanced Index Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Hikmah)
CIMB Islamic Micro Cap Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Faiz)
CIMB Islamic Small Cap Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Azam)
CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Ihsan 2)
CIMB Islamic Equity Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Ikhlas)
Fixed Income
CIMB Islamic Sukuk Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Hafiz)
Mixed Asset
CIMB Islamic Balanced Income Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-I'tidal)
CIMB Islamic Balanced Fund

(formerly known as SBB Dana Al-Mizan)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Understanding Risk

Any investment carries with it an element of risk. Therefore, prior to making any investment, prospective investors should consider the following risk factors:

1. Market Risk
Any purchase of securities will involve an element of risk, As unit trust funds principally invest in listed stocks they may be prone to changing market conditions as a result of global, regional or national economic conditions, governmental policies or political developments. Market uncertainties and fluctuations in the market caused by these uncertainties will affect the net asset value(NAV) of unit trusts which may fall or rise, thus causing the income generated by the fund to fluctuate.

2. Liquidity Risk
The various securities that are purchased by a fund may encounter liquidity risk. Liquidity risk relates to the fund’s ability to quickly and easily trade at a reasonable price, in and out of positions. Should a fund comprise a security that has become temporarily or permanently illiquid or difficult to sell, the fund manager may need to sell the security at a discount to its fair value, which eventually affects the fund’s value.

3. Management Risk
Performance of the fund depends on the experience, expertise, knowledge and investment techniques of the fund manager. Poor management of a fund can cause considerable losses to the fund, which in turn may affect the capital invested.

4. Inflation Risk
Ideally the purpose of any investment is to secure returns that are greater that the inflation rate. While a fund will constantly seek to maximize returns and exceed inflation rate, it may occasionally experience losses, which result in returns that will not keep pace with inflation in the short run.

5. Interest Risk
Fixed income securities and bonds are particularly sensitive to movements in interest rates. When interest rates rise, the value of fixed income securities and bonds fall and vice versa, thus affecting the NAV of the fund. The general interest rate of the country may affect the value of the investment even if the fund(e.g Syariah Fund) does not invest in interest bearing instruments.

Type Of Unit Trust

1. Equity Funds
An equity unit trust is the most common type of unit trust. The major portion of its assets are generally held in equities or securities of listed companies.
Equity unit trust funds are popular in Malaysia as they provide investors with exposure to the companies listed on Bursa Malaysia. The performance of the units is therefore linked to the performance of Bursa Malaysia. A rising market will normally give rise to an increase in the value of the unit and vice-versa.
There is a wide array of equity unit trusts, available in the market, ranging from funds with higher risk, higher returns to funds with lower risk, lower returns.

a. Aggressive growth funds
These funds invest generally in companies with higher capital growth potential but with associated higher risk

b.Index funds
These funds invest in a range of companies that closely match (or “track”) companies comprising a particular index.

c.International equity funds
These funds invest primarily in overseas share markets.

2. Fixed Income Funds
These funds invest mainly in Malaysian Government Securities, corporate bonds, and money market instruments such as bankers acceptance and fixed deposits. The objective of a fixed income (or bond) funds is usually to provide regular income, with less emphasis on producing capital growth for investors. It is possible, however, for fixed income funds to generate both capital gains and losses during a period of volatile interest rate.

3. Money Market Funds
Money market funds operate in a similar way to a bank account-the unit price is normally set at a fixed amount. Money market funds invest in low risk money market instruments that are in effect short-term deposits(loans) to banks and other-low risk-financial institutions, and in short-term government securities.

4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)
REITs invest in real properties, usually prominent commercial (office) properties and provide the investor with an opportunity to participate in the property market in a way which is normally impossible to the small time investor. By acquiring units in a listed REITS, however, it is possible to invest a small amount to gain exposure to the property market and have diversification in your portfolio.

5. Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
ETF is linked unit trust fund whose investment objective is to achieve the same return as a particular market index. ETF often have low expense ratios and can be bought and sold throughout the trading day through a stockbroker, on an exchange.

6. Balanced Funds
Some investors may wish to have an investment in all the major asset classes to reduce the risk of investing in a single asset class. A balanced unit trust fund generally has a portfolio comprising equities, fixed income securities, and cash.
7. Syariah Funds
The main objective of Syariah funds is to provide an alternative avenue for investors sensitive to Syariah requirements. Syariah funds will exclude those companies involved in activities, products or services related to conventional banking, insurance and financial services, gambling, alcoholic beverages and non-halal food products.